Fresh Markets Australia has a number of underpinning policies that support the organisation and has further developed policies on issues that arise from time to time.

  • Industry Self-regulation

    Fresh Markets Australia opposes any form of specific Government intervention and/or regulation of Markets wholesalers on the basis that it is anti-competitive and discriminates against one sector in the fruit and vegetable industry.

    However, Fresh Markets Australia strongly supports industry self-regulation, including codes of practice.

  • Terms of Trade

    Fresh Markets Australia supports the use of documented terms of trade, which include method of doing business, price determination, supplier obligations, transfer of title and risk, payment terms, non complying produce and dispute resolution.

  • Dispute Resolution

    Fresh Markets Australia encourages all wholesalers to have an internal disputes resolution procedure, which they publish in writing. Suppliers and other industry participants are encouraged to attempt to resolve the dispute directly with the wholesaler in the first instance.

    In the event that the dispute cannot be resolved, either party is encouraged to contact the Fresh Markets Australia in the Markets where the wholesaler is located.

    If the relevant Fresh Markets Australia cannot resolve the dispute to the parties’ satisfaction the parties are advised to seek resolution of the dispute under The Horticulture Code of Conduct.

  • Food Safety and FreshTest®

    FMA as an owner member of Freshcare recommends that the GFSI benchmarked Freshcare Supply Chain Standard as the industry standard for all wholesalers to improve food safety in the fruit and vegetable industry.

    FMA as an owner member of Freshcare recommends this as the industry standard for all growers of fresh produce and supports wholesalers in encouraging their suppliers to be Freshcare certified.

    FMA encourages all Members, wholesalers, suppliers, and buyers to support FreshTest®, the industry standard and most cost effective and comprehensive testing program in the fresh produce industry.

  • Product Specifications and FreshSpecs®

    Fresh Markets Australia supports the use of uniform product standards for fresh produce and recommends that Members and wholesalers support FreshSpecs® as the industry standard for class one (or equivalent) produce.

  • Quarantine Requirements

    Fresh Markets Australia supports quarantine restrictions imposed by a Government regulatory authority, which have been adopted to prevent or control any pest or disease outbreak, and which limit the movement and sale of fresh fruit and vegetable products.

  • Promotion

    Fresh Markets Australia is supportive of promotion of the central markets system and the benefits of fresh fruit and vegetables for a healthy lifestyle. Fresh Markets Australia  are encouraged to participate in promotions at local and national level, particularly where this includes supplier and buyer involvement. Cooperation between Members of Fresh Markets Australia on national promotions is encouraged.

    Where wholesalers contribute financially to promotions, their contributions should be matched by contributions from suppliers and/or buyers and the wholesalers should have meaningful representation on relevant committees that direct campaigns and the expenditure of promotion funds.

    Cooperation with contributing suppliers and supplier groups on individual product promotion is encouraged.

  • Levies

    Fresh Markets Australia is supportive of wholesalers receiving a fee for the deduction, accounting and remittance of compulsory levies.

  • Fees for Services

    Fresh Markets Australia is generally supportive of wholesalers deducting fees in respect of services provided to third parties.

  • Goods and Services Tax

    Fresh Markets Australia opposes the broadening of the GST which would result in the removal of the exemption from fresh fruit and vegetables on the basis that there is no demonstrated benefit to the fresh fruit and vegetable supply chain or the community generally. The consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables by Australians must be increased for community health and economic sustainability reasons.

  • Modern Slavery

    Fresh Markets Australia encourages all fruit and vegetable stakeholders to meet the moral and ethical obligation to combat modern slavery and make sure it does not occur in their business and their supply chains.

    Slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking (modern slavery) are issues of increasing global concern, affecting all sectors, regions and economies. Modern slavery is fundamentally unacceptable within our industry.


    FMA supports:

    • Australia’s globally benchmarked GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) Food Safety Standards (e.g. Freshcare, BRC, SQF and GlobalG.A.P) which enable a simplified ‘once certified, recognised everywhere’ approach to food safety and business efficiency.
    • The removal of duplication of requirements in HARPS that are included in Australia’s GFSI Food Safety Standards.
    • The reduction of cost and human resource time spent from the horticulture supply chain.
    • That HARPs be a ‘bolt on’ to Australia’s GFSI Food Safety Standards with the ‘bolt on’ having no duplicated requirements.
    • That one Food Safety Audit be required that includes the certification to the relevant GFSI Food Safety Standard and certification to the HARPS requirements (a HARPS bolt on) for businesses requiring a HARPS certification in the HARPS Decision Graphic.
    • A transparent governance framework for the management of HARPS.
    • That HARPS should not be monetised (i.e. not managed by a for profit entity).
    • That HARPS should rely on the globally benchmarked GFSI (Global Food Safety Initiative) Food Safety Standards which enable a simplified ‘once certified, recognised everywhere’ approach to food safety and business efficiency.